Date | Location | Event | May 29th - 6th | Korea
| Visit to Korea | 2nd | Incheon, Korea | Performing Beethoven Concerto No. 5 | 5th | Seoul, Korea | Performing Beethoven Concerto No. 5 at the Seoul Arts Centre | 6th | Seoul, Korea | Masterclass at Seoul National University | 9th | Ballina, Co. Mayo, Ireland | Solo recital | 13th - 18th | Columbia, SC | Residency at the Southeastern Piano Festival to include a Solo Recital on June 15, chairing the jury of the Arthur Fraser International Piano Competition on June 16 and giving a Masterclass on June 17 | 19th - 24th | Adamant, VT | Annual Masterclasses at the Adamant Music School | 25th - July 1st | Flagstaff, AZ | Residency at the Northern Arizona University Music Festival to include a masterclass on June 28 and a Solo Recital on June 29 |
All future events are subject to change without notice